Some of your favourites

As voted for by the public who can never be wrong.
E is for Exposure

E is for Exposure

Isn’t exposure that thing that’s offered instead of pay to freelancers?

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G for Gaffer Tape

G for Gaffer Tape

Holding the film industry together since 1959. Where would be without it?

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O is for The Oscars

O is for The Oscars

I'd like to thank my agent, my drug dealer and my plastic surgeon.

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R for Rear Projection

R for Rear Projection

Mastering this quite simple technique allowed cinematographers to put their stars in previously unimaginable situations.

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T for Glorious Technicolor!

T for Glorious Technicolor!

In the Wizard of Oz (1939) Dorothy left the monochrome behind and stepped out into a brave new world of colour cinema.

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V for Vox-Pop

V for Vox-Pop

Lazy, cheap journalism getting the 'man on the street' to do your job for you with often hilarious consequences.

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W is for Wilhelm Scream

W is for Wilhelm Scream

If you don’t recognise this phrase, you’ve almost certainly heard the scream it describes.

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X is for X Rated

X is for X Rated

The history of cinema classification is long and complicated. But you need to know your R from your X.

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Z is for Zolly

Z is for Zolly

Made famous by 'Jaws' (1975), the 'Dolly Zoom' was first used in Alfred Hitchcok's 'Vertigo' (1958).

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Hey! Let's do Lunch

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